Parliamentary Rules Database

Overview is an online database of parliamentary rules, containing the formal rules of procedure for various parliaments over time. The ParlRules database currently covers the UK House of Commons (1811-2024), the Irish Dáil (1922-2020) and the Dutch Tweede Kamer (1815-1919).

Project Leaders


UK House of Commons

Standing Orders relating to Public Business, 21 June 1811 to 13 May 2024. Provides the text of all permanent standing orders during this period for every amendment date.

Dáil Éireann

Standing Orders relating to Public Business, 03 October 1922 to 17 February 2020. Currently only partially available - provides the full 2020 text (in English), and a list of prior amendment dates.

Tweede Kamer

Reglement van Orde of the Dutch Tweede Kamer, 25 September 1815 to 12 March 1919. Currently only partially available – provides the full 1919 text (in Dutch), and a list of prior amendment dates.


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