UK House of Commons

Rule History

Date Change Text
01 December 1902 Made

25   Adjournment and Counting Out / Counting out at evening sittings

At an evening sitting the house shall not be counted before ten o'clock, but if on a division taken on any business at an evening sitting before ten o'clock it appears that forty members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the house, and the next business shall be taken.

03 April 1906 Amended

25   Adjournment and Counting Out / Counting Out

The house shall not be counted between a quarter-past eight and a quarter past nine o'clock, but if on a division taken on any business between a quarter-past eight and a quarter-past nine o'clock it appears that forty members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the house, and the next business shall be taken.

23 February 1926 Amended

25   Adjournment and Counting Out / Counting Out

The house shall not be counted between a quarter-past eight and a quarter past nine o'clock, but if on a division taken on any business between a quarter-past eight and a quarter-past nine o'clock it appears that forty members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken.

14 November 1933 Amended

25   Adjournment and Counting Out / Counting Out

The House shall not be counted between a quarter-past eight and a quarter past nine of the clock, but if on a division taken on any business between a quarter-past eight and a quarter-past nine of the clock it appears that forty members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken.

04 November 1947 Amended

25   Adjournment and Counting Out / Counting Out

The House shall not be counted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock, but if on a division taken on any business between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock it appears that forty members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken.

Paragraph (1) of this standing order shall apply to sittings on Fridays, with the substitution of references to a quarter-past one and a quarter-past two of the clock for the references to half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock.

28 July 1948 Amended

28   Count of the House / Counting

The House shall not be counted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock, but if on a division taken on any business between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock it appears that forty members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken.

Paragraph (1) of this order shall apply to sittings on Fridays, with the substitution of references to a quarter-past one and a quarter-past two of the clock for the references to half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock.

06 December 1951 Amended

28   Count of the House / Counting

The House shall not be counted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock, but if on a division taken on any business between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock it appears that forty Members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken.

Paragraph (1) of this order shall apply to sittings on Fridays, with the substitution of references to a quarter-past one and a quarter-past two of the clock for the references to half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock.

12 December 1967 Amended

30   Count of the House / Counting

The House shall not be counted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock or after ten of the clock, but if on a division taken on any business between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock or after ten of the clock it appears that forty Members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken.

Paragraph (1) of this order shall apply to sittings on Fridays, with the substitution of references to a quarter-past one and a quarter-past two of the clock for the references to half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock.

The House shall not be counted during the proceedings on any Consolidated Fund Bill or Appropriation Bill, or during proceedings in the course of which Mr. Speaker is directed to put forthwith any question.

If at any time after four of the clock on the House being counted it shall appear that forty Members are not present, the business under consideration shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the House shall stand adjourned.

08 March 1971 Merged

30   Count of the House / Counting

Merged into Article 29
