UK House of Commons

Rule History

Date Change Text
27 November 1882 Made

15   Committees of the Whole House / Chairman to Leave the Chair without Question

That when the Chairman of a Committee has been ordered to make a Report to the House, he shall leave the Chair without Question put.

01 December 1902 Amended

52   Committees of the Whole House / When chairman of committee leaves chair without question put

When the chairman of a committee has been ordered to make a report to the house, he shall leave the chair without question put.

14 November 1933 Amended

51   Committees of the Whole House / When Chairman leaves Chair without Question put

When the chairman has been ordered to make a report to the House, he shall leave the chair without question put. Every such report shall be brought up without question put.

28 July 1948 Amended

18   Committees of the Whole House / When Chairman leaves Chair without Question put

When the chairman of a committee of the whole House has been ordered to make a report to the House, he shall leave the chair without putting any question. Every such report shall be brought up without any question being put.

04 March 2010 Amended

70   Public Bills / When chair leaves chair without question put

When the chair of a committee of the whole House has been ordered to make a report to the House, he shall leave the chair without putting any question. Every such report shall be brought up without any question being put.
