27 October 1965 |
previous: 01 August 1963 - next: 14 December 1966 |
1 |
The House shall meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at half-past two of the clock, and will first proceed with private business, petitions, motions for unopposed returns and leave of absence to Members, questions and ballots for notices of motions. At ten of the clock on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the proceedings on any business then under consideration shall, save as otherwise provided in paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 2 (Exempted business), be interrupted; and, if the House be in committee, the chairman shall leave the chair, and report progress and ask leave to sit again; and if a motion has been made for the adjournment of the House, or of the debate, or in committee that the chairman do report progress, or do leave the chair, every such motion shall lapse. On the interruption of business the closure may be moved; and if moved, or if proceedings under Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) be then in progress, Mr. Speaker or the chairman shall not leave the chair until the questions consequent thereon and any further question, as provided in Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate), have been decided. An order of the day not disposed of before the termination of a sitting shall be deferred to such day being a day on which the House ordinarily sits as the Member in charge of that order may appoint and any order of the day not reached before the termination of a sitting shall, unless the Member in charge of the order has given other instructions to the Clerk at the Table, stand over until the next sitting. After the business under consideration at ten of the clock has been disposed of, no opposed business shall be taken, save as provided in Standing Order No. 2 (Exempted business). The House shall not be adjourned except in pursuance of a resolution or by Mr. Speaker in pursuance of Standing Order No. 26 (Power of Mr. Speaker to adjourn House or suspend sitting): Provided that, when a substantive motion for the adjournment of the House has been made at or after ten of the clock Mr. Speaker shall, after the expiration of half an hour after that motion has been made, adjourn the House without putting any question. Made: 07 March 1888
2 |
The following business may be entered upon at any hour though opposed, shall not, save for the purpose of moving a motion pursuant to paragraph (2) of this order, be interrupted at ten of the clock, and if under discussion when the business is postponed under the provisions of any standing order may be resumed and proceeded with, though opposed, after the interruption of business:- (a) proceedings on a bill originating in Committee of Ways and Means; (b) proceedings on the reports of the Committee of Ways and Means; (c) proceedings on the report of a committee authorising the expenditure of public money except a report from the Committee of Supply; (d) proceedings in pursuance of any Act of Parliament save in so far as Standing Order No. 100 (Statutory Instruments, &c. (procedure)) otherwise provides or in pursuance of any Standing Order of this House which provides that proceedings though opposed may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business; (e) proceedings of a committee on a motion authorising expenditure in connection with a bill: Provided that any questions necessary to dispose of the proceedings of such a committee shall be put at a quarter to eleven of the clock or at the expiration of three quarters of an hour after the House shall have resolved itself into that committee whichever is the later. If a notice of motion in the name of a Minister of the Crown stands upon the order paper at the commencement of public business to the effect either:- (a) that any specified business may be entered upon and proceeded with at this day's sitting at any hour, though opposed; or (b) that any specified business may be entered upon and proceeded with at this day's sitting at any hour during a specified period after ten of the clock, though opposed; it shall stand over and may not be moved until after the interruption of business and shall then be proceeded with, though opposed, in accordance with the following paragraphs of this order. If the business interrupted is included in the business specified in the motion or in paragraph (1) of this order, Mr. Speaker shall, immediately after the interruption of business, or, if the House has been in Committee, before any day is named for the House again to resolve itself into that Committee, call upon the Minister to move his motion and the question thereon shall be put forthwith without amendment or debate and after that question has been decided, the consideration of the business interrupted shall be resumed if such business is included in the business specified in paragraph (1) of this order or if the question be resolved in the affirmative. If the business interrupted is not included in the business specified in the motion or in paragraph (1) of this order, Mr. Speaker shall call upon the Minister to move his motion at the conclusion of any proceedings arising on the interruption of business under the provisions of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House) but before the resumption of any proceedings postponed under Standing Orders No. 7 (Time for taking private business) or No. 9 (Adjournment on definite matter of urgent public importance). If a motion made under either of the two preceding paragraphs be agreed to, the business so specified shall be proceeded with as if it were included in the business specified in paragraph (1) of this order, save that (a) business which may be proceeded with only up till a specified hour may not if opposed be entered upon or resumed after that hour and the proceedings thereon if not previously concluded shall be interrupted at that hour. (b) when proceedings on such business have been postponed under the provisions of Standing Order No. 9 (Adjournment on definite matter of urgent public importance), there shall be added to any specified period of time during which such business may be proceeded with after ten of the clock, a further period of time equal to the duration of the proceedings upon the motion under the said Standing Order No. 9. Not more than one motion under paragraph (2) of this order may be made at any one sitting and after any business proceeding under the provisions of this order is disposed of after ten of the clock, the remaining business of the sitting shall be dealt with according to the provisions of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House) applicable to business taken after ten of the clock. Made: 25 October 1960
3 |
The House shall meet on Fridays at eleven of the clock, and will first proceed with private business, petitions, and motions for unopposed returns and leave of absence to Members. Standing Orders No. 1 (Sittings of the House) and No. 2 (Exempted business) shall apply to the sittings on Fridays with the omission of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House) and with the substitution of references to four of the clock and a quarter to five of the clock for references to ten of the clock and a quarter to eleven of the clock respectively. In the application of Standing Order No. 100 (Statutory instruments &c. (procedure)) to the sittings on Fridays there shall be substituted references to half-past five of the clock for references to half-past eleven of the clock. Made: 25 June 1852
4 |
The House, when it meets on Friday, shall, at its rising, stand adjourned until the following Monday without any question being put. Made: 03 May 1861
5 |
Save as provided in this order, government business shall have precedence at every sitting. Public bills other than government bills shall have precedence over government business on ten Fridays in each session to be appointed by the House. On and after the seventh Friday on which public bills other than government bills have precedence, such bills shall be arranged on the order paper in the following order:- consideration of Lords amendments, third readings, consideration of reports not already entered upon, adjourned proceedings on consideration, bills in progress in committee, bills appointed for committee, and second readings. The ballot for private members' bills shall be held on the second Thursday on which the House shall sit during the session under arrangements to be made by Mr. Speaker, and the bills shall be presented at the commencement of public business on the fifth Wednesday on which the House shall sit during the session. Private members' notices of motions and private members' bills shall have precedence, in that order, over government business on ten Fridays in each session to be appointed by the House. On four days other than Fridays in each session to be appointed by the House private members' notices of motions shall have precedence until seven of the clock and, if not previously concluded, the proceedings thereon shall lapse at that hour and the House shall then proceed with government business. Ballots for private members' notices of motions shall be held after questions on such Wednesdays as may be appointed by the House in respect of motions having precedence on Fridays; and on such days as may be appointed by the House in respect of motions having precedence on days other than Fridays. Until after the fifth Wednesday on which the House shall sit during the session, no private member shall give notice of a motion for leave to bring in a bill under Standing Order No. 13 (Motions for leave to bring in bills and nomination of select committees at commencement of public business) or for presenting a bill under Standing Order No. 37 (Presentation and first reading). Made: 28 July 1948
6 |
No notice of motion for a date on which notices are entitled to precedence shall be given for any date beyond the second day on which such notices are entitled to precedence. Made: 25 June 1852
7 |
On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays the time for private business shall end not later than a quarter to three of the clock and business entered upon and not disposed of at that hour shall be deferred to such time as the Chairman of Ways and Means may appoint. Business not reached shall stand over to the next sitting, or in the case of opposed business until the next sitting other than a Friday. During the time of private business, opposed business shall not be proceeded with but shall be deferred to such time, other than a Friday, as the Chairman of Ways and Means may appoint. Opposed business shall include any proceedings on a private bill or a confirming bill which have been deferred under paragraph (2) of this Order, so long as a notice of an amendment stands upon the order paper in the form of a notice of motion (other than a notice of motion in the name of the Chairman of Ways and Means) on second reading, consideration or third reading of such bill: Provided that no such notice of motion shall stand on the order paper for more than seven days unless renewed. No opposed business shall be taken on a Friday. Business deferred under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this order shall be considered at the time of private business on the day appointed unless the Chairman of Ways and Means directs that such business shall be set down for seven of the clock on any specified Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, and business so set down (including any motion contingent directly or otherwise upon any item of such business) shall be taken in such order as the Chairman of Ways and Means may determine: Provided that business so set down by direction of the Chairman of Ways and Means shall be distributed as nearly as may be proportionately between the sittings on which government business has precedence and the other sittings. On any day specified under paragraph (5) of this order at seven of the clock or as soon thereafter as any motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 9 (Adjournment on definite matter of urgent public importance) has been disposed of, the business set down by direction of the Chairman of Ways and Means shall be entered upon and may be proceeded with subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House) although opposed. Made: 25 October 1960
8 |
Notices of questions shall be given by Members in writing to a Clerk at the Table and shall not be read viva voce in the House. Questions shall be taken on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, after private business has been disposed of, and not later than a quarter to three of the clock. No questions shall be taken after half-past three of the clock, except questions which have not been answered in consequence of the absence of the Minister to whom they are addressed, and questions which have not appeared on the paper, but which are in Mr. Speaker's opinion of an urgent character, and relate either to matters of public importance or to the arrangement of business. A Member who desires an oral answer to his question shall distinguish it by an asterisk, but subject to paragraph (5) of this Order notice of any such question must appear at latest on the notice paper circulated two days (excluding Sunday) before that on which an answer is desired: Provided that notice of questions for oral answer on a Monday must be given not later than ten of the clock on the preceding Thursday evening. Questions received at the Table Office on Monday and Tuesday before half-past two of the clock may, if so desired by the Member, be put down for oral answer on the following Wednesday and Thursday respectively: Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to questions received on the first day of a session nor to questions received on the day on which the House first meets pursuant to Standing Order No. 117 (Earlier meeting of House in certain circumstances). Notice of a question shall not be given for oral answer on a day later than twenty-one days after the date of notice. In reckoning the period of twenty-one days, no account shall be taken of any period during which the House stands adjourned for more than two days. If any Member does not distinguish his question by an asterisk, or if he is not present to ask it, or if it is not reached by half-past three of the clock, the Minister to whom it is addressed shall cause an answer to be printed in the Official Report of the Parliamentary Debates, unless the Member has before half-past three of the clock signified his desire to postpone the question. Whenever the House is adjourned for more than one day, notices of questions received at the Table Office at any time during the adjournment for answer on or after the day to which the House stands adjourned shall be treated- (a) if received not later than half-past four of the clock on the last day but one, as if they had been received after half-past two of the clock during a sitting of the House on that day; (b) if received after half-past four of the clock on the last day but one and not later than half-past four of the clock on the last day, as if they had been received after half-past two of the clock during a sitting of the House on the last day; and (c) if received after half-past four of the clock on the last day, as if they had been received before half-past two of the clock on the day the House meets: Provided that if the last day of the adjournment be a Sunday, the Friday and Thursday immediately preceding shall for the purposes of this paragraph be deemed to be respectively the last day and the last day but one of the adjournment; and that if the last day be a Monday the preceding Friday shall for the purposes aforesaid be deemed to be the last day but one of the adjournment. Made: 07 March 1888
9 |
No motion for the adjournment of the House shall be made until all the questions asked at the commencement of business on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday have been disposed of, and no such motion shall be made unless by a Minister of the Crown before the orders of the day or notices of motion have been entered upon, unless a Member rising in his place shall propose to move the adjournment for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance and shall either obtain the leave of the House, or, if such leave be refused, the assent of not less than forty Members who shall thereupon rise in their places to support the motion, or unless, if fewer than forty Members and not less than ten shall thereupon rise in their places, the House shall, on a division, upon question put forthwith, determine that such motion shall be made. If leave is given or the motion is so supported, or the House so determines that it shall be made the motion shall stand over until seven of the clock on the same day. Any proceeding which has been postponed under this order shall not, save as is provided in paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 2 (Exempted business), be interrupted at ten of the clock and may be resumed and proceeded with at or after that hour for a period of time equal to the duration of the proceedings upon a motion under this order. Made: 27 November 1882
10 |
In order to facilitate the business of standing committees a motion may, after two days' notice, be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, in either of the following forms:- (a) ' That this House do now adjourn ' (in which case, if the question thereon be not previously agreed to, Mr. Speaker shall put the question half an hour after it has been proposed), or (b) ' That this House do now adjourn till seven of the clock this day ' (in which case the question thereon shall be decided without amendment or debate): Provided that if, on a day on which notice of a motion in the terms of paragraph (a) of this order stands on the paper, leave has been given to move the adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance, or opposed private business has been set down by direction of the Chairman of Ways and Means, the motion shall be made in the terms and subject to the procedure prescribed by paragraph (b) of this order. Made: 04 November 1947
11 |
In determining whether a discussion is out of order on the ground of anticipation, regard shall be had by Mr. Speaker to the probability of the matter anticipated being brought before the House within a reasonable time. Made: 05 May 1914
12 |
No motion or amendment shall require to be seconded before the question thereon is proposed from the chair. Made: 08 February 1960
13 |
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and, if given by a Minister of the Crown, on Mondays and Thursdays, notices of motions for leave to bring in bills, and for the nomination of select committees, may be set down for consideration at the commencement of public business. Mr. Speaker, after permitting, if he thinks fit, a brief explanatory statement from the Member who makes and from a Member who opposes any such motion respectively, shall put either the question thereon, or the question, that the debate be now adjourned: Provided that no notice shall be given, except by a Minister of the Crown, for a day earlier than the seventh day after it has been received at the Table or for a day on which a notice of motion under this order already stands on the paper. Made: 07 March 1888
14 |
At the time fixed for the commencement of public business, on days on which orders have precedence of notices of motions, and on all other days after the notices of motions have been disposed of, Mr. Speaker shall direct the Clerk to read the orders of the day, without any question being put. Made: 25 June 1852
15 |
The orders of the day shall be disposed of in the order in which they stand upon the paper; the right being reserved to Her Majesty's Ministers of arranging government business, whether orders of the day or notices of motions, in such order as they may think fit. Made: 25 June 1852
16 |
Notwithstanding the practice of the House which prohibits in a debate on a motion for the adjournment of the House any reference to matters requiring legislative remedy, Mr. Speaker may permit such incidental reference to legislative action as he may consider relevant to any matter of administration then under debate when enforcement of the prohibition would, in his opinion, unduly restrict the discussion of such matter. Made: 10 February 1960
17 |
The Committees of Supply and Ways and Means shall be appointed by the House at the commencement of every session for the duration thereof, so soon as an address has been agreed to, in answer to Her Majesty's speech. Made: 28 July 1870
18 |
Twenty-six days, being days before the 5th of August, shall be allotted to the business of supply in each session. On a day so allotted, being a day on which the Committee of Supply or a report from that committee stands as the first order, no business other than the business of supply shall be taken before ten of the clock, and except in pursuance of paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 9 (Adjournment on definite matter of urgent public importance) no business of supply shall be taken after ten of the clock, whether a general order made in pursuance of paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 2 (Exempted business) is in force or not, unless the House otherwise order on the motion of a Minister of the Crown, made respectively after notice either at the commencement of public business to be decided without amendment or debate or after the interruption of business in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order No. 2 (Exempted business). For the purposes of this order the business of supply shall consist of proceedings on motions ' That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair '; supplementary or additional estimates for the current financial year; any excess vote; votes on account; main estimates whether for the coming or the current financial year; motions relating to any Navy, Army and Air Services [Expenditure]; and the consideration of reports from the Committee of Public Accounts and the Estimates Committee. But such business shall not include any vote of credit or votes for supplementary or additional estimates for war expenditure. On a day not earlier than the seventh allotted day, being a day before the 31st of March, the chairman shall, at half-past nine of the clock, forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the vote then under consideration. He shall then forthwith put the question with respect to any vote on account and all such navy, army and air votes for the coming financial year as shall have been put down on at least one previous day for consideration in the Committee of Supply on an allotted day, that the total amounts of all such votes outstanding be granted for those services. And the chairman shall then in like manner put severally the questions in respect of the civil estimates and the estimate for the Ministry of Defence and of the navy, the army and the air estimates, that the total amounts of all such outstanding estimates supplementary to those of the current financial year as shall have been presented seven clear days previously be granted for the services defined in the supplementary estimates. He shall then in like manner put severally the questions that the total amounts of any outstanding excess vote (provided that the Committee of Public Accounts shall have reported that they see no objection to the sums necessary being provided by excess vote) be granted for the services defined in any statement of excess. On a day not earlier than the eighth allotted day, being a day before the 31st of March, Mr. Speaker shall, at half-past nine of the clock, forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the resolution then under consideration, and shall then forthwith put, with respect to each resolution come to by the Committee of Supply and not yet agreed to by the House, the question ' That this House doth agree with the committee in the said resolution.' On the last day but one of the allotted days the chairman shall, at half-past nine of the clock, forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the vote then under consideration, and shall then forthwith put the question with respect to each class of the civil estimates that the total amount of the votes outstanding in that class be granted for the services defined in the class, and shall in like manner put severally the questions that the total amounts of the votes outstanding in the Ministry of Defence estimate and in the navy, the army, and the air estimates be granted for the services defined in those estimates. The chairman shall then in like manner put severally the questions on motions relating to any Navy, Army and Air Services [Expenditure] (provided that the Public Accounts Committee have reported that they see no reason why Parliament should not sanction the virement temporarily authorised by the Treasury in each case) that sanction be given to the application of the said sums. On the last day of the allotted days, Mr. Speaker shall, at half-past nine of the clock, forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the resolution then under consideration, and shall then forthwith put, with respect to each class of the civil estimates, the question that the House doth agree with the committee in all the outstanding resolutions reported in respect of that class, and shall then put a like question with respect to all the resolutions outstanding in the Ministry of Defence estimate and in the navy, the army and the air estimates, and other outstanding resolutions severally. On any day upon which the chairman or Mr. Speaker is, under this order, directed to put forthwith any question, the consideration of the business of supply shall not be anticipated by a motion for the adjournment of the House, and no dilatory motion shall be moved on proceedings on that business and the business shall not be interrupted under any standing order. For the purposes of this order two Friday sittings shall be deemed equivalent to a single sitting on any other day. Made: 01 December 1902
19 |
Whenever an order of the day is read for the House to resolve itself into a committee other than a committee on a bill, Mr. Speaker shall leave the chair without putting any question, and the House shall thereupon resolve itself into such committee, unless on a day on which the Committee of Supply stands as the first order of the day a Minister of the Crown moves, ' That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, ' for the purpose of enabling a motion on going into Committee of Supply to be moved as an amendment to that question. Notwithstanding the practice of the House which prohibits reference to matters requiring legislative remedy in a debate in, or on going into, Committee of Supply, Mr. Speaker may, when an amendment to the question ' That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair ' is under discussion, permit such incidental reference to legislative action as he may consider relevant to any matter of administration then under debate, when enforcement of the prohibition would, in his opinion, unduly restrict the discussion of such matter. Made: 27 November 1882
20 |
When the chairman of a committee of the whole House has been ordered to make a report to the House, he shall leave the chair without putting any question. Every such report shall be brought up without any question being put. Made: 27 November 1882
21 |
When the chairman of a committee of the whole House has been directed to report progress, or has left the chair to report progress in pursuance of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House) he shall, if the committee have come to any resolution, so acquaint the House before reporting progress. Made: 28 July 1948
22 |
Mr. Speaker or the chairman, after having called the attention of the House, or of the committee, to the conduct of a Member, who persists in irrelevance, or tedious repetition either of his own arguments, or of the arguments used by other Members in debate, may direct him to discontinue his speech. Made: 27 November 1882
23 |
Mr. Speaker or the chairman shall order Members whose conduct is grossly disorderly to withdraw immediately from the House during the remainder of that day's sitting; and the Serjeant at Arms shall act on such orders as he may receive from the chair in pursuance of this order. But if, on any occasion, Mr. Speaker or the chairman deems that his powers under the previous provisions of this order are inadequate, he may name such Member or Members in which event the same procedure shall be followed as is prescribed by Standing Order No. 24 (Order in debate). Made: 07 March 1888
24 |
Whenever a Member shall have been named by Mr. Speaker, or by the chairman, immediately after the commission of the offence of disregarding the authority of the chair, or of persistently and wilfully obstructing the business of the House by abusing the rules of the House, or otherwise, then, if the offence has been committed by such Member in the House, Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the question, on a motion being made, no amendment, adjournment, or debate being allowed, ' That such Member be suspended from the service of the House'; and, if the offence has been committed in a committee of the whole House, the chairman shall forthwith suspend the proceedings of the committee and report the circumstance to the House; and Mr. Speaker shall on a motion being made forthwith put the same question, no amendment, adjournment, or debate being allowed, as if the offence had been committed in the House itself. Proceedings in pursuance of this paragraph, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business. If any Member be suspended under this order, his suspension on the first occasion shall continue until the fifth day, and on the second occasion until the twentieth day, on which the House shall sit after the day on which he was suspended, but on any subsequent occasion until the House shall resolve that the suspension of such Member do terminate. Not more than one Member shall be named at the same time, unless two or more Members, present together, have jointly disregarded the authority of the chair. If a Member, or two or more Members acting jointly, who have been suspended under this order from the service of the House, shall refuse to obey the direction of Mr. Speaker, when severally summoned under Mr. Speaker's orders by the Serjeant at Arms to obey such direction, Mr. Speaker shall call the attention of the House to the fact that recourse to force is necessary in order to compel obedience to his direction, and the Member or Members named by him as having refused to obey his direction shall thereupon and without any further question being put be suspended from the service of the House during the remainder of the session. Suspension from the service of the House shall not exempt the Member so suspended from serving on any committee for the consideration of a private bill to which he may have been appointed before his suspension. Nothing in this order shall be taken to deprive the House of the power of proceeding against any Member according to ancient usages. Made: 28 February 1880
25 |
Members who are ordered to withdraw under Standing Order No. 23 (Disorderly conduct) or who are suspended from the service of the House under Standing Order No. 24 (Order in debate) shall forthwith withdraw from the precincts of the House, subject, however, in the case of such suspended Members, to the provisions of paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 24 (Order in debate). Made: 28 July 1948
26 |
In the case of grave disorder arising in the House Mr. Speaker may, if he thinks it necessary to do so, adjourn the House without putting any question, or suspend the sitting for a time to be named by him. Made: 01 December 1902
27 |
When a motion is made for the adjournment of a debate, or of the House during any debate, or that the chairman do report progress, or do leave the chair, the debate thereupon shall be confined to the matter of such motion; and no Member, having moved any such motion, shall be entitled to move any similar motion during the same debate. Made: 27 November 1882
28 |
If Mr. Speaker, or the chairman, shall be of opinion that a dilatory motion is an abuse of the rules of the House, he may forthwith put the question thereupon from the chair, or he may decline to propose the question thereupon to the House or the committee. For the purposes of this order the expression " dilatory motion " shall include a motion for the adjournment of a debate, or of the House, during any debate, or that the Chairman do report progress or do leave the Chair, or that further consideration of the bill be now adjourned, or that further consideration of the Lords amendments be now adjourned. Made: 27 November 1882
29 |
On Fridays the House shall stand adjourned if at any time after one of the clock on the House being counted it shall appear that forty Members are not present. Made: 21 December 1927
30 |
The House shall not be counted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock, but if on a division taken on any business between half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock it appears that forty Members are not present, the business shall stand over until the next sitting of the House, and the next business shall be taken. Paragraph (1) of this order shall apply to sittings on Fridays, with the substitution of references to a quarter-past one and a quarter-past two of the clock for the references to half-past seven and half-past eight of the clock. Made: 01 December 1902
31 |
After a question has been proposed a Member rising in his place may claim to move, ' That the question be now put,' and, unless it shall appear to the chair that such motion is an abuse of the rules of the House, or an infringement of the rights of the minority, the question, ' That the question be now put,' shall be put forthwith, and decided without amendment or debate. When a question ' That the question be now put ' has been decided in the affirmative, and the question consequent thereon has been decided, a Member may claim that any further question be put which may be requisite to bring to a decision any question already proposed from the chair, and if the assent of the Chair, as aforesaid, be not withheld, any question so claimed shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate. When a clause or schedule is under consideration, a motion may be made that the question, that certain words of the clause or schedule defined in the motion stand part of the clause or schedule or ' That the clause (or the clause as amended) stand part of the bill ', or ' That this schedule (or, this schedule as amended) be the schedule to the bill', or ' That the clause or schedule be added to the bill ', be now put and if the assent of the Chair, as aforesaid, be not withheld, the question on that motion shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate. This order shall be put in force only when Mr. Speaker or, in committee, the Chairman of Ways and Means or Deputy Chairman is in the chair. Made: 18 March 1887
32 |
If a division be held upon a question for the closure of debate under Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) that question shall not be decided in the affirmative unless it appears by the numbers declared from the chair, that not less than one hundred Members voted in the majority in support of the motion. Made: 07 March 1888
33 |
In respect of any motion, or in respect of any bill under consideration either in a committee of the whole House or on report, Mr. Speaker, or in a committee the Chairman of Ways and Means, and the Deputy Chairman, shall have power to select the new clauses or amendments to be proposed, and may, if he thinks fit, call upon any member who has given notice of an amendment to give such explanation of the object of the amendment as may enable him to form a judgement upon it. For the purposes of this order an instruction to a committee on a bill and a motion to recommit a bill shall be treated as amendments proposed in respect of that bill. Made: 20 February 1919
34 |
If the opinion of Mr. Speaker or the chairman as to the decision of a question is challenged he shall direct that the lobby be cleared. After the lapse of two minutes from this direction he shall put the question again, and, if his opinion is again challenged, he shall announce the names of tellers. After the lapse of at least six minutes from this direction he shall direct that the doors giving access to the division lobbies be locked. Made: 12 December 1906
35 |
A Member may vote in a division although he did not hear the question put. A Member is not obliged to vote. Made: 12 December 1906
36 |
Mr. Speaker or the chairman may, after the lapse of two minutes, if in his opinion the division is unnecessarily claimed, take the vote of the House, or committee, by calling upon the Members who support, and who challenge his decision, successively to rise in their places; and he shall thereupon, as he thinks fit, either declare the determination of the House or committee, or name tellers for a division. Made: 07 March 1888
37 |
A Member may, after notice, present a bill without previously obtaining leave from the House to bring in the same. When a bill is presented either in pursuance of an order of the House or under the provisions of paragraph (1) of this order, the bill shall be read the first time without any question being put, shall be ordered to be read a second time on such day as the Member presenting it shall appoint, and shall be ordered to be printed. If a Member informs the Clerks at the Table of his intention to take charge of a bill which has been brought from the Lords, the bill shall be deemed to have been read the first time on the day on which the Member so informs the Clerks, and to have been ordered to be read a second time on such day as he shall appoint, and shall be recorded in the Journal of the House as having been read the first time and ordered to be read a second time on the day so appointed, and shall be ordered to be printed. Made: 28 July 1948
38 |
Where a public bill (not being a bill to confirm a provisional order or certificate) is ordered to be read a second time on a future day, and it appears that the standing orders relating to private business may be applicable to the bill, the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills shall be ordered to examine the bill with respect to the applicability thereto of the said standing orders, and shall proceed and report with all convenient speed, and the order of the day relating to the bill shall not be affected thereby; but if the Examiners report that any standing order applicable to the bill has not been complied with, and the Standing Orders Committee report that such standing order ought not to be dispensed with, the order of the day relating to the bill shall be discharged. Made: 09 March 1945
39 |
If on an amendment to the question that a bill be now read a second time or the third time it is decided that the word ' now ' or any words proposed to be left out stand part of the question, Mr. Speaker shall forthwith declare the bill to be read a second or the third time as the case may be. Made: 20 February 1919
40 |
When a public bill (other than a bill for imposing taxes or a Consolidated Fund or an Appropriation Bill, or a bill for confirming a provisional order) has been read a second time, it shall stand committed to a standing committee unless the House otherwise order. A motion to commit a bill to a committee of the whole House or to a select committee, or a motion that it is expedient that a bill be committed to a joint committee of Lords and Commons, may be made by any member and if made immediately after the bill has been read a second time shall not require notice, and, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate. A motion to commit a bill to a standing committee in respect of some of its provisions and to a committee of the whole House in respect of other provisions may be made by the member in charge of the bill and if made immediately after the bill has been read a second time, shall not require notice, and may, though opposed, be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business. If such a motion is opposed, Mr. Speaker after permitting, if he thinks fit, a brief explanatory statement from the member who makes and from a member who opposes the motion shall, without permitting any further debate, put the question thereon. If the question on a motion made under paragraph (2) or paragraph (3) of this order is negatived, Mr. Speaker shall forthwith declare that the bill stands committed to a standing committee. Made: 16 April 1907
41 |
Whenever the House is adjourned for more than one day, notices of amendments to bills, new clauses or new schedules (whether they are to be proposed in committee or, if the bill has been reported, on consideration) or of amendments to Lords amendments received by the Clerks at the Table at any time not later than half-past four of the clock on the last day on which the House is not sitting (excluding any Saturday or Sunday) may be accepted by them as if the House were sitting. Made: 04 November 1947
42 |
It shall be an instruction to all committees to which bills may be committed, that they have power to make such amendments therein as they shall think fit, provided they be relevant to the subject matter of the bill; but that if any such amendments shall not be within the title of the bill, they do amend the title accordingly, and do report the same specially to the House. Made: 19 July 1854
43 |
There shall be a committee, to be designated the Business Committee, consisting of the members of the Chairmen's Panel together with not more than five other members to be nominated by Mr. Speaker in respect of each bill to which sub-paragraph (b) of this order applies. The quorum of the committee shall be seven. The committee- (a) shall, in the case of any bill in respect of which an order has been made by the House, allotting a specified number of days or portions of days to the consideration of the bill in committee of the whole House or on report, divide the bill into such parts as they may see fit and allot to each part so many days or portions of a day so allotted as they may consider appropriate; (b) may, if they think fit, do the like in respect of any bill to the consideration of which in committee of the whole House or on report a specified number of days or portions of days has been allotted by general agreement notified orally to the House by a Minister of the Crown; and (c) shall report their resolution (or resolutions) to the House, and on a motion being made for the consideration of such report, the question thereon shall be put forthwith and on consideration of the said report the question ' That this House doth agree with the committee in the said resolution (or resolutions) ' shall be put forthwith and, if agreed to, shall have effect as if it were an order of the House. Proceedings in pursuance of this sub-paragraph, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business. Made: 04 November 1947
44 |
Whenever an order of the day is read for the House to resolve itself into a committee on a bill, Mr. Speaker shall leave the chair without putting any question, and the House shall thereupon resolve itself into such committee, unless notice of an instruction to such committee has been given, when such instruction shall be first disposed of. Made: 04 November 1947
45 |
In a committee on a bill, the preamble shall stand postponed until after the consideration of the clauses and of any schedules. Made: 27 November 1882
46 |
In going through a bill no questions shall be put for inserting words already printed in italics; and if no alterations have been made in the words so printed in italics, the bill shall be reported without amendment, unless other amendments have been made thereto. Made: 19 July 1854
47 |
If, during the consideration of a bill in a committee of the whole House, the chairman is of opinion that the principle of a clause or schedule and any matters arising thereon have been adequately discussed in the course of debate on the amendments proposed thereto, he may, after the last amendment to be selected has been disposed of, state that he is of this opinion and shall then forthwith put the question ' That the clause (or, the clause as amended) stand part of the bill ' or ' That this schedule (or, this schedule as amended) be the schedule to the bill ', as the case may be. Made: 04 November 1947
48 |
On a clause being offered in a committee on a bill, or on consideration of the report of a bill, the chairman or Mr. Speaker shall desire the Member offering the same to bring it up, whereupon it shall be read a first time without any question being put, but no clause shall be offered on consideration of report without notice. Made: 19 July 1854
49 |
At the close of the proceedings of a committee of the whole House on a bill, the chairman shall report the bill forthwith to the House, and when amendments shall have been made thereto, a day shall be appointed for taking the bill as amended into consideration, unless the House shall order it to be taken into consideration forthwith. Made: 25 June 1852
50 |
When the order of the day for the consideration of a bill, as amended in a committee of the whole House, has been read, the House shall proceed to consider the same without question put, unless the Member in charge thereof shall desire to defer its consideration, or a motion shall be made to re-commit the bill in whole or in part. Made: 27 November 1882
51 |
Bills which have been committed to a standing committee shall, when reported to the House, be proceeded with as if they had been reported from a committee of the whole House: Provided that all bills reported from a standing committee, whether amended or not, shall be considered on report by the House. Made: 07 March 1888
52 |
If a motion to re-commit a bill as a whole be opposed, Mr. Speaker shall permit a brief explanatory statement of the reasons for such re-committal from the Member who moves and from a Member who opposes any such motion respectively, and shall then without permitting further debate put the question thereon. Made: 19 February 1919
53 |
Upon the consideration of the report of a bill no amendment which could not have been proposed in committee without an instruction from the House may be proposed. Made: 07 March 1888
54 |
When a bill has been committed to a standing committee, or has been so committed in respect of some of its provisions, then, on consideration of the report of the bill or such of its provisions as were so committed, the rule against speaking more than once shall not apply to the Member in charge of the bill or to the mover of any amendment or new clause in respect of that amendment or clause. Made: 28 July 1948
55 |
No amendments, not being merely verbal, shall be made to any bill on the third reading. Made: 21 July 1856
56 |
Lords amendments to public bills shall be appointed to be considered on a future day, unless the House shall order them to be considered forthwith. Made: 19 July 1854
57 |
With respect to any bill brought to this House from the House of Lords, or returned by the House of Lords to this House, with amendments, whereby any pecuniary penalty, forfeiture, or fee shall be authorized, imposed, appropriated, regulated, varied, or extinguished, this House will not insist on its ancient and undoubted privileges in the following cases: - (1) When the object of such pecuniary penalty or forfeiture is to secure the execution of the act, or the punishment or prevention of offences. (2) Where such fees are imposed in respect of benefit taken or service rendered under the act, and in order to the execution of the act, and are not made payable into the Treasury or Exchequer, or in aid of the public revenue, and do not form the ground of public accounting by the parties receiving the same, either in respect of deficit or surplus. (3) When such bill shall be a private bill for a local or personal act. Made: 24 July 1849
58 |
The precise duration of every temporary law or enactment shall be expressed in a distinct clause or subsection at the end of the bill or of that enactment. Made: 21 June 1811
59 |
As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be seventeen or one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, whichever is the less; and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order. Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 61 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker. In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence. Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide. Standing Orders No. 47 (Debate on clause stand part), No. 73 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 74 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 75 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 77 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 22 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 28 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 47 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 33 (Selection of amendments). On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division. All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them. Made: 07 March 1888
60 |
Each of the said standing committees with the exception of the Scottish Standing Committee shall consist of a chairman to be appointed by Mr. Speaker pursuant to Standing Order No. 65 (Chairmen of standing committees) and not less than twenty nor more than fifty members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve on that Standing Committee during the consideration of each bill allocated to it. In nominating such members the Committee of Selection shall have regard to the qualifications of those members nominated and to the composition of the House, and shall have power to discharge members from time to time and appoint others in substitution for those discharged. Provided that, for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Wales and Monmouthshire, the committee shall be so constituted as to comprise all Members sitting for constituencies in Wales and Monmouthshire. Made: 07 March 1888
61 |
One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills certified under Standing Order No. 62 (Public bills relating exclusively to Scotland) or other business relating exclusively to Scotland and committed or referred to a standing committee. For the consideration of (a) bills referred to them for consideration in relation to their principle under paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 62 (Public bills relating exclusively to Scotland); (b) Scottish estimates referred to them under Standing Order No. 63 (Special procedure for Scottish estimates); and (c) specified matters referred to them under Standing Order No. 64 (Matters relating exclusively to Scotland) the Scottish Standing Committee shall be known as the Scottish Grand Committee and shall consist of all the Members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill or other business by the Committee of Selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole House, and shall have power from time to time to discharge the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged. For the consideration of bills certified by Mr. Speaker as relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee or bills committed to the Scottish Standing Committee, the Committee shall consist of thirty members representing Scottish constituencies, who shall be nominated by the Committee of Selection in respect of each such bill and to whom the Committee of Selection shall have power to add not more than twenty members. In nominating members the Committee of Selection shall have regard to their qualifications and the composition of the House. Made: 28 July 1948
62 |
If, after any public bill has been printed, whether introduced in this House or brought from the House of Lords, Mr. Speaker is of opinion that its provisions relate exclusively to Scotland, he shall give a certificate to that effect: Provided that a certificate shall not be withheld by reason only that a provision of that bill amends the First Schedule to the House of Commons Disqualification Act, 1957. On the order for the second reading of any such bill being read, a motion to be decided without amendment or debate may be made by a Minister of the Crown, ' That the bill be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee', and if, on the question thereupon being put, not less than ten Members rise in their places and signify their objection thereto, Mr. Speaker shall declare that the noes have it. A bill so referred to the Grand Committee shall be considered in relation to the principle of the bill, and shall be reported as having been so considered to the House and shall be ordered to be read a second time upon a future day. When the order for the second reading of any such bill has been read, a motion to be decided without amendment or debate may be made by a Minister of the Crown 'That the bill be committed to the Scottish Standing Committee ': Provided that this paragraph shall not apply in the case of any bill to the second reading of which notice of an amendment has been given by not less than six Members. If such a motion shall have been agreed to, the bill shall be deemed to have been read a second time, and shall be committed to the Scottish Standing Committee, and shall proceed through its remaining stages according to the ordinary practice of the House. Proceedings in pursuance of paragraphs (2) and (4) of this order, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business. Made: 28 April 1948
63 |
A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, to be decided without amendment or debate, to the effect that the Committee of Supply be discharged from considering the estimates or any part of the estimates for which the Secretary of State for Scotland is responsible, and that such estimates or part of such estimates be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee for consideration on not more than six days in any session and if such motion be agreed to, the Grand Committee shall consider the estimates referred to them and shall from time to time report only that they have considered the said estimates or any of them, which shall again stand referred to the Committee of Supply after such report has been brought up. Made: 28 April 1948
64 |
A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, to be decided without amendment or debate, to the effect that a specified matter or matters relating exclusively to Scotland be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee for their consideration, and if, on the question thereupon being put, not less than ten Members rise in their places and signify their objection thereto, Mr. Speaker shall declare that the noes have it. If such a motion be agreed to, the Scottish Grand Committee shall consider the matter or matters to them referred on not more than two days in a Session, and shall report only that they have considered the said matter or matters. Made: 18 December 1957
65 |
The chairman of each standing committee shall be appointed by Mr. Speaker from a Chairmen's Panel consisting of the Chairman of Ways and Means, the Deputy Chairman, and the Members appointed by Mr. Speaker in pursuance of paragraph (4) of Standing Order No. 101 (Deputy Speaker and chairmen) to act as temporary chairmen of committees of the whole House. Mr. Speaker may change the chairman so appointed from time to time. The Chairmen's Panel, of whom three shall be a quorum, shall have power to consider matters of procedure relating to standing committees and to report their opinion thereupon to the House from time to time. Any member of a standing committee may, at the request of the chairman of the committee, act as chairman for not more than a quarter of an hour: Provided that such member shall not exercise the powers conferred on the chairman of a standing committee by paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 59 (Standing committees (Constitution and powers)). Made: 28 July 1948
66 |
A standing committee to whom a bill or other business has been committed shall meet to consider such business on the day and at the hour named by the Member appointed chairman of the committee in respect of that business. If the consideration of the business is not completed at that sitting the committee shall meet further to consider the business on such days of the week (being days on which the House sits) as may be appointed by the committee at half-past ten of the clock, unless the committee otherwise determine: Provided that no standing committee shall sit between the hours of one of the clock and half-past three of the clock in the afternoon, except as hereinafter provided. If a standing committee is not previously adjourned, the chairman shall adjourn the committee without putting any question at one of the clock: Provided that- (i) if, in the opinion of the chairman, the proceedings on a bill or other business could be brought to a final conclusion by a short extension of the sitting, he may defer adjourning the committee until a quarter past one of the clock; (ii) if proceedings under Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) be in progress at the time when the chairman is required to adjourn the committee under this paragraph, he shall not adjourn the committee until the question for closing the debate, the question or questions consequent thereon and on any further motion as provided in that standing order, have been decided. Made: 04 November 1947
67 |
An allocation of time order relating, or so much thereof as relates, to the committee stage of a bill committed or to be committed to a standing committee, shall, as soon as the bill has been allotted to a standing committee, stand referred without any question being put to a sub-committee of that standing committee appointed under paragraph (2) of this order. There shall be a sub-committee of every standing committee, to be designated the business sub-committee, for the consideration of any allocation of time order or part thereof relating to any bill allocated to that committee, and to report to that committee upon- (i) the number of sittings to be allotted to the consideration of the bill; (ii) the allocation of the proceedings to be taken at each sitting; and (iii) the time at which proceedings, if not previously brought to a conclusion, shall be concluded. As soon as may be after an allocation of time order relating to a bill committed to a standing committee has been made, Mr. Speaker shall nominate the chairman of the standing committee in respect of that bill and seven members of the standing committee as constituted in respect of that bill to be members of the business sub-committee to consider that order, and those members shall be deemed to have been discharged from the sub-committee as soon as that bill has been reported to the House by the standing committee; the chairman of the committee shall be the chairman of the sub-committee; the quorum of the sub-committee shall be four; and the sub-committee shall have power to report from time to time to the standing committee. All resolutions of a business sub-committee shall be reported to the standing committee at the commencement of the proceedings at the next sitting of that committee and shall be included in the minutes of the proceedings of the committee. Whenever a business sub-committee has reported to the standing committee the Member in charge of the bill may forthwith move ' That this committee doth agree with the business sub-committee in the said resolution (or resolutions).' Such a motion shall not require notice and the question thereon shall be decided without amendment or debate. If the question is resolved in the affirmative, the resolution (or resolutions) shall operate as though included in the allocation of time order made by the House, but if passed in the negative the resolution (or resolutions) shall stand re-committed to the business sub-committee. Made: 04 November 1947
68 |
Mr. Attorney General, the Lord Advocate, Mr. Solicitor General, and Mr. Solicitor General for Scotland, being Members of this House, or any of them, though not members of a standing committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee, but shall not vote or make any motion or move any amendment or be counted in the quorum. Made: 04 November 1947
69 |
No select committee shall, without leave of the House, consist of more than fifteen members, and such leave shall not be moved for without notice. Made: 25 June 1852
70 |
Any Member intending to propose that certain Members be members of a select committee shall give notice of the names of the Members whom he intends to propose to be members of the committee, and shall endeavour to ascertain previously whether each such Member will give his attendance on the committee. The provisions of paragraph (1) of this order shall apply in the case of Members proposed to be added or substituted. Made: 25 June 1852
71 |
Lists shall be affixed in some conspicuous place in the committee office and in the lobby of the House of all Members serving on each select committee. Made: 25 June 1852
72 |
No document received by the clerk of a select committee shall be withdrawn or altered without the knowledge and approval of the committee. Made: 15 July 1935
73 |
The names of the members present at each sitting of a select committee and, if a division takes place, the name of the proposer of the motion or amendment, the question put, and the respective votes thereupon of the members present shall be entered on the minutes of the proceedings of the Committee. Made: 25 June 1852
74 |
The names of members present each day at the sitting of a select committee shall be entered on the minutes of evidence, if any. Made: 25 June 1852
75 |
The minutes of the proceedings of a select committee shall be brought up and laid on the Table of the House with the report of the committee. Made: 28 July 1948
76 |
To every question asked of a witness under examination in the proceedings of a select committee there shall be prefixed in the minutes of the evidence the name of the member asking such question. Made: 25 June 1852
77 |
If at any time during the sitting of a select committee a quorum shall not be present, the clerk of the committee shall bring this fact to the notice of the chairman, who shall thereupon suspend the proceedings of the committee until a quorum be present, or adjourn the committee to some future day. Made: 25 June 1852
78 |
Every select committee having power to send for persons, papers, and records, shall have leave to report to the House their opinion and observations upon any matters referred to their consideration, together with the minutes of the evidence taken before them, and also to make a special report of any matters which they may think fit to bring to the notice of the House. Made: 09 August 1875
79 |
There shall be a select committee, to be designated the Committee of Public Accounts, for the examination of the accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted by Parliament to meet the public expenditure, and of such other accounts laid before Parliament as the committee may think fit, to consist of not more than fifteen members, who shall be nominated at the commencement of every session, and of whom five shall be a quorum. The committee shall have power to send for persons, papers and records, and to report from time to time. Made: 03 April 1862
80 |
There shall be a select committee, to be designated the Estimates Committee, to examine such of the estimates presented to this House as may seem fit to the committee and report how, if at all, the policy implied in those estimates may be carried out more economically and, if the committee think fit, to consider the principal variations between the estimates and those relating to the previous financial year and the form in which the estimates are presented to the House, to consist of forty-three members, who shall be nominated at the commencement of every session, and of whom seven shall be a quorum: The committee shall have power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House, to adjourn from place to place, and to report from time to time: The committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees and to refer to such sub-committees any of the matters referred to the committee; three shall be the quorum of every such sub-committee: Every such sub-committee shall have power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House, and to adjourn from place to place: The committee shall have power to report from time to time the minutes of evidence taken before sub-committees and reported by them to the committee. Made: 02 November 1960
81 |
All committees, other than committees of the whole House, shall have leave to sit at any time on any day on which the House sits, but may not otherwise sit during any adjournment of the House, without the leave of the House, and such leave shall not be moved for without notice. Made: 21 July 1856
82 |
This House will receive no petition for any sum relating to public service or proceed upon any motion for a grant or charge upon the public revenue, whether payable out of the Consolidated Fund or out of money to be provided by Parliament, unless recommended from the Crown. Made: 21 June 1811
83 |
This House will not proceed upon any petition, motion, or bill, for granting any money, or for releasing or compounding any sum of money owing to the Crown, but in a committee of the whole House. This Order shall not be deemed to preclude the House, upon consideration of a bill reported from a committee, from considering an amendment that would have been in order if it had been proposed in committee. Made: 24 July 1849
84 |
A bill (other than a bill which is required to originate in Committee of Ways and Means) the main object of which is the creation of a public charge may either be presented, or brought in upon an order of the House, by a Minister of the Crown, and, in the case of a bill so presented or brought in, the creation of the charge shall not require to be authorised by a committee of the whole House until the bill has been read a second time, and after the charge has been so authorised the bill shall be proceeded with in the same manner as a bill which involves a charge that is subsidiary to its main purpose. Made: 01 February 1938
85 |
This House will not receive any petition for compounding any sum of money owing to the Crown, upon any branch of the revenue, without a certificate from the proper officer or officers annexed to the said petition, stating the debt, what prosecutions have been made for the recovery of such debt, and setting forth how much the petitioner and his security are able to satisfy thereof. Made: 24 July 1849
86 |
This House will not proceed upon any motion for an address to the Crown, praying that any money may be issued, or that any expense may be incurred, but in a committee of the whole House. Made: 24 July 1849
87 |
If any motion be made in the House for any aid, grant, or charge upon the public revenue, whether payable out of the Consolidated Fund or out of money to be provided by Parliament, or for any charge upon the people, the consideration and debate thereof shall not be presently entered upon, but shall be adjourned till such further day as the House shall think fit to appoint, and then it shall be referred to a committee of the whole House before any resolution or vote of the House do pass therein. Made: 25 June 1852
88 |
When notice has been given of a motion authorising expenditure in connection with a bill, the House may, if the recommendation of the Crown is signified thereto, at any time after such notice appears on the paper resolve itself into committee to consider the motion, and any resolution come to by such committee may, with the general agreement of the House, be reported forthwith. Made: 20 February 1919
89 |
A resolution authorising the issue of money out of the Consolidated Fund reported from the Committee of Ways and Means may be considered forthwith by the House, and the consideration on report and third reading of a bill ordered to be brought in upon such a resolution or resolutions may be taken forthwith as soon as the bill has been reported from committee of the whole House. Made: 20 February 1919
90 |
When a Minister of the Crown in Committee of Ways and Means has made the first of several motions upon which a bill is to be founded for imposing, renewing, varying or repealing any charge upon the people, the chairman shall forthwith put the question thereupon and shall then successively put forthwith the question on each further motion made by the Minister, save the last motion. On consideration of a resolution reported from the Committee of Ways and Means for imposing, renewing, varying or repealing a charge upon the people, the question ' That this House doth agree with the committee in the said resolution ' shall be put forthwith. Made: 04 November 1947
91 |
In relation to private bills, provisional order bills and bills introduced under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936, or the Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945, the standing orders relating to public money shall have effect subject to any exceptions prescribed by the standing orders of this House relating to private business. Made: 08 November 1948
92 |
In all contracts extending over a period of years, and creating a public charge, actual or prospective, entered into by the government for the conveyance of mails by sea, or for the purpose of telegraphic communications beyond sea, there shall be inserted the condition that the contract shall not be binding until it has been approved of by a resolution of the House. Proceedings in pursuance of this Order, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business. Made: 13 July 1869
93 |
Every such contract, when executed, shall forthwith, if Parliament be then sitting, or, if Parliament be not then sitting, within fourteen days after it assembles, be laid upon the Table of the House, accompanied by a minute of the Lords of the Treasury, setting forth the grounds on which they have proceeded in authorising it. Made: 13 July 1869
94 |
In cases where any such contract requires to be confirmed by Act of Parliament, the bill for that purpose shall not be introduced and dealt with as a private bill, and power to the government to enter into agreements by which obligations at the public charge shall be undertaken shall not be given in any private Act. Made: 13 July 1869
95 |
Every Member offering to present a petition to the House, not being a petition for a private bill, or relating to a private bill before the House, shall confine himself to a statement of the parties from whom it comes, the number of signatures attached to it, and the material allegations contained in it, and to reading the prayer of such petition. Made: 14 April 1842
96 |
Every such petition not containing matter in breach of the privileges of this House, and which, according to the rules or usual practice of this House, can be received, shall be brought to the Table by the direction of Mr. Speaker, who shall not allow any debate, or any Member to speak upon, or in relation to such petition; but it may be read by the Clerk if required. Made: 14 April 1842
97 |
In the case of such petition complaining of some present personal grievance, for which there may be an urgent necessity for providing an immediate remedy, the matter contained in such petition may be brought into discussion on the presentation thereof. Made: 14 April 1842
98 |
All other such petitions, after they shall have been ordered to lie on the Table, shall stand referred to a committee to be designated the Committee on Public Petitions; but if any such petition relate to any matter or subject with respect to which the Member presenting it has given notice of a motion, and the said petition has not been ordered to be printed by the committee, such Member may, after notice given, move that such petition be printed with the Votes. Made: 14 April 1842
99 |
Petitions against any resolution or bill imposing a tax or duty for the current service of the year shall be henceforth received, and the usage under which the House has refused to entertain such petitions shall be discontinued. Made: 14 April 1842
100 |
Except in such cases as the House may otherwise order:- No proceedings on a motion to which this order applies shall be entered upon at or after half-past eleven o'clock. If such a motion is under consideration at half-past eleven o'clock, Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put any question which may be requisite to bring to a decision any question already proposed from the Chair, provided that, if he shall be of opinion that- (a) owing to the lateness of the hour at which consideration of the motion was entered upon, or (b) because of the importance of the subject matter of the motion, the time for debate has not been adequate, he shall interrupt the business and the debate shall stand adjourned till the next sitting (other than a Friday). A debate which has been adjourned under paragraph (2) of this order shall not be resumed later than eleven o'clock, but shall stand further adjourned till the next sitting (other than a Friday), and the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall apply to any debate which has been further adjourned under this paragraph as if the further adjournment were an adjournment under paragraph (2) of the order. The motions to which this order applies are- (a) any motion for an humble address to Her Majesty praying that a statutory instrument be annulled, and any motion that a draft of an order in Council be not submitted to Her Majesty in Council, or that a statutory instrument be not made, (b) any motion that, or for an humble address to Her Majesty praying that, any other document which may be subject to proceedings in the House in pursuance of a statute be annulled, or cease to be in force, or be not made. Made: 06 November 1957
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Whenever the House shall be informed by the Clerk at the Table of the unavoidable absence of Mr. Speaker, the Chairman of Ways and Means shall perform the duties and exercise the authority of Speaker in relation to all proceedings of this House, as Deputy Speaker, until the next meeting of the House, and so on from day to day, on the like information being given to the House, until the House shall otherwise order: Provided that if the House shall adjourn for more than twenty-four hours the Deputy Speaker shall continue to perform the duties and exercise the authority of Speaker for twenty-four hours only after such adjournment. At the commencement of every Parliament, or from time to time, as necessity may arise, the House may appoint a Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, who shall be entitled to exercise all the powers vested in the Chairman of Ways and Means, including his powers as Deputy Speaker. The Chairman of Ways and Means or the Deputy Chairman shall take the chair as Deputy Speaker, when requested so to do by Mr. Speaker, without any formal communication to the House. Mr. Speaker shall nominate, at the commencement of every session, a Chairmen's Panel of not less than ten members to act as temporary chairmen of committees when requested by the Chairman of Ways and Means. Made: 20 July 1855
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No Member's name shall be affixed to any seat in the House before the hour of prayers; and Mr. Speaker shall give directions to the doorkeepers accordingly. Made: 01 August 1849
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Any Member having secured a seat at prayers shall be entitled to retain the same until the rising of the House. Made: 29 April 1858
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Every person returned as a Member of this House may make and subscribe a solemn affirmation in the form prescribed by statute, instead of taking an oath. Made: 01 July 1880
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Members may take and subscribe the oath required by law at any time during the sitting of the House, before the orders of the day and notices of motions have been entered upon, or after they have been disposed of; but no debate or business shall be interrupted for that purpose. Made: 14 April 1859
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Any oath or affirmation taken or made by any witness before the House, or a committee of the whole House, may be administered by the Clerk. Made: 20 February 1872
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Any oath taken or affirmation made by any witness before a select committee may be administered by the chairman, or by the clerk attending such committee. Made: 20 February 1872
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The Serjeant at Arms attending this House shall take into his custody any stranger whom he may see, or who may be reported to him to be, in any part of the House or gallery appropriated to the Members of this House, and also any stranger who, having been admitted into any other part of the House or gallery, shall misconduct himself, or shall not withdraw when strangers are directed to withdraw, while the House, or any committee of the whole House, is sitting. Made: 01 August 1849
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No Member of this House shall presume to bring any stranger into any part of the House or gallery appropriated to the Members of this House while the House, or a committee of the whole House, is sitting. Made: 01 August 1849
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If at any sitting of the House, or in a committee of the whole House, any Member shall take notice that strangers are present, Mr. Speaker, or the chairman (as the case may be), shall forthwith put the question, ' That strangers do withdraw,' without permitting any debate or amendment and such question, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business: Provided that Mr. Speaker, or the chairman may, whenever he thinks fit, order the withdrawal of strangers from any part of the House. An order that strangers do withdraw shall not apply to members of the House of Lords. Made: 07 March 1888
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To prevent the intercepting or losing of letters directed to Members of this House, the postmaster of the House or other persons appointed by the Postmaster-General shall attend daily (Sundays excepted) for the delivery and re-direction of all letters arriving in course of post and shall take care, during their stay there, to deliver the same to the several Members to whom they shall be directed, or to their known servant or servants, or other persons bringing notes under the hands of the Members sending for the same. Made: 25 June 1852
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The said officers shall, upon their going away, lock up such letters as shall remain undelivered. Made: 25 June 1852
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When any letter or packet directed to this House shall come to Mr. Speaker, he shall open the same; and acquaint the House, at its next sitting, with the contents thereof, if proper to be communicated to this House. Made: 25 June 1852
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If, during the existence of a Parliament, papers are commanded by Her Majesty to be presented to this House at any time, the delivery of such papers to the Votes and Proceedings Office shall be deemed to be for all purposes the presentation of them to this House. Made: 14 August 1896
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Where, under any Act of Parliament, a statutory instrument is required to be laid before Parliament, or before this House, the delivery of a copy of such instrument to the Votes and Proceedings Office on any day during the existence of a Parliament shall be deemed to be for all purposes the laying of it before the House: Provided that nothing in this order shall apply to any statutory instrument being an order which is subject to special parliamentary procedure or to any other instrument which is required to be laid before Parliament, or before this House, for any period before it comes into operation. Made: 04 November 1947
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When any communication has been received by Mr. Speaker, drawing attention to the fact that copies of any statutory instruments have yet to be laid before Parliament, and explaining why such copies have not been so laid before the instrument came into operation, Mr. Speaker shall thereupon lay such communication upon the Table of the House. Made: 04 November 1947
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Whenever the House stands adjourned and it is represented to Mr. Speaker by Her Majesty's Ministers that the public interest requires that the House should meet at any earlier time during the adjournment, Mr. Speaker, if he is satisfied that the public interest does so require, may give notice that he is so satisfied, and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice. The government business to be transacted on the day on which the House shall so meet shall, subject to the publication of notice thereof in the order paper to be circulated on the day on which the House shall so meet, be such as the government may appoint, but subject as aforesaid the House shall transact its business as if it had been duly adjourned to the day on which it shall so meet, and any government order of the day and government notices of motions that may stand on the order book for any day shall be appointed for the day on which the House shall so meet. In the event of Mr. Speaker being unable to act owing to illness or other cause, the Chairman of Ways and Means, or the Deputy Chairman, shall act in his stead for the purposes of this order. Made: 04 November 1947